Animation Production Days 2023 – Call for Projects
Projects can now be submitted for the 17th Animation Production Days (APD). We are looking for original and innovative animation projects in the fields of:
- Feature film
- TV series
- Mobile content, games
- Cross- and transmedia
All projects can be submitted in the concept or development stage.
Applications are invited for original, creative and innovative projects in terms of design and content. They should be suitable for and open to European or international co-productions and have the potential for brand development and international distribution. Special consideration will be given to projects which convincingly integrate topics such as diversity and ecological sustainability in both content and their development and realisation. A maximum of 50, chiefly European projects will be selected for presentation at APD 2023.
The submission deadline is 9 February 2023. Producers who submit their project by 20 January 2023 benefit from a reduction in accreditation fees with the Early Bird rate. All the information about project submission, project selection and accreditation is available here.